This movie was
great. I totally loved it. All the acting was superb, and the story line was excellent. As Nick Naylor, Aaron Eckhart was just snarky enough to be disgustingly lovable - he was so awesome. If this movie had come out a little later in the year, he'd be a Golden Globe contender for sure (with the comedy category, you know). His alcohol and firearms counterparts, Maria Bello and David Koechner, were FABULOUS. Maria was much better in this movie than in A History of Violence, and hotter, too. I'm considering her haircut for when I don't want long hair anymore.
I think my favorite part of the movie were the scenes with Rob Lowe and Adam Brody, playing a high-powered Hollywood agent and his assistant. Adam was delicious - he was so over-the-top eager, and Rob was the epitome of an agent cliche. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that William H. Macy said the long "c" word (my favorite swear word of all time, FYI). That's not something you see in every one of his movies, I guarantee!
Katie Holmes was kind of lame, but I think she's pretty lame in everything... and not that pretty. Why does she keep getting cast as the pretty ingenue? Something about her is less than plain to me. She's sort of... wide-eyed, in a scary way? Is it just me, or are her eyes REALLY far apart?
Now, I went into Thank You For Smoking having heard "this movie is SO funny. SOOOOO funny!", so I was expecting it to be really, really funny - like totally ridiculously funny. Well, let me dispel that myth. It's funny, really, really funny, and I certainly laughed out loud more than once, but it's not ridiculous at all. It's a thinking man's funny.
Trust me, you'll love it.
Thank You For Smoking - A
ps. yes, Charlie, I noticed the pie, but maybe only because you mentioned it first