Sunday, March 19, 2006


Jared Leto is FAT! OK, I know he's in a movie playing chubby assassin Mark David Chapman, but he looks so gross and skanky in this picture, and those sunglasses don't help matters.

Remember when Jared Leto was super hot? I used to really like him, and called cute (real life) guys in my high school Jordan Catelano.

Lindsay looks super cute in that hat, though.

Fat Jared Leto - C- (a few points awarded for "dedication to his craft")


Anonymous said...

ooooh, you're right!

Dustin Harder said...

him and chraleze theron should hook up.

Feed Watcher said...

Oh I would soooo do Jordan Catalano. Even in that boiler room under the high school.

Clare Danes never had it so good.