Friday, November 11, 2005

What A Very Good Year

Lots of really important things happened in 1965. Canada adopted the red and white maple leaf flag. Disney launched Epcot Center. Dr. Dre. Bjork and Shania Twain were all born in 1965, and A Charlie Brown Christmas premiered that very same year.

But perhaps the best thing of all happened on November 11, 1965. No, not the independence of Rhodesia, although that happened that day, too. 11/11/65 was the day that Nell McNutt and Monte Strong tied the knot. Those crazy kids!

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad - as Dr. Dre would say, Still doing that shit, right?

Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary - A+!


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    40 years?! WOW Congrats to them!

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Patrick is out fishing or golfing or burping or scratching himself in Big Bear with his friends, and all I have to say is he'd better remember to call his parents... Nell and Monte, if you are reading this, I'll remind him, though he's probably actually called already. As for me, I've already said it, but thank you so much for finding each other, thank you so much for raising such a nice man! I look forward to my 40th anniversary-- I know Pat and I will make it!!! How could we not when we come from such good stock?

    All my love,

    Can't wait to see you! My apron is packed...

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Thank you, Amanda, for remembering. I could write volumes but it would bore your friends. As Garth said, "I'm glad I didn't miss the dance."

  4. your moms maiden name is Mcnut? Wow-she married a good'n', anything to get rid of that name huh? And I'm not really one to talk. Congrats you crazy kids!

  5. p.s. photo taken at the Miss Arkansas pageant - you know you were wondering!

  6. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Yay for Nell and Dave! And bonus points to Dad for the Garth reference.

  7. I have some McNutt cousins you might be interested in, but I think the oldest is 6...

  8. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Congrats Nell & Dave! Forty years is a long time to put up with anyone, especially when you through Pat & Amanda into the mix (and all of us that they dragged over!)

  9. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Congratulations to Nell and Dave. I understand you were married in Albuquerque. It's just a co-ink-e-dink that a few years later, the Bynum's were married in Santa Fe. Must be something in the New Mexico water. Again, Cheers!
