Thursday, November 10, 2005

some guy named robb - the pale sessions v. 1 - everything matters

some guy named robb's latest release is his best yet. Robb McCormick, sgnr's front (and often only) man, pushes the envelope with his third album - it's definitely darker than his previous stuff, but more subtle and more raw, too. The album's first track, "Between These Strings," is for me the focal point of the album, a love song with some heartache behind it. Also, Robb includes some spoken word tracks, "Three Cheers" and "The Common Distance," which show he's not just a good musician, but a real poet as well. The final track is a reworking of one of his most-loved tunes, "Express Lane Love." Not just everybody can poke fun at themselves. Way to be, Robb.

You gotta love the success of old friends (especially when that success allows them to send you free CDs). For those of you in the greater Arkansas/Oklahoma area, Robb will be playing a live show near you someday - the man's a touring machine - and you really should see him. some guy named robb's a hell of a live show. Those of you reading in other parts of the country should buy his albums at so he'll make a lot of money, get famous, and then tour the whole country and not just a little corner of the South. It'll be worth it, and if you tell him I sent you, maybe someday he'll finally record the song he wrote for me back in the late '90s.

the pale sessions v. 1 - everything matters - A


  1. I wish this guy could have thought of a more fun name than some guy named robb.

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    YAY for Robb Mc Cormick! Brings back memories of High school & College. Can't wait to get it.

  3. There's a story behind it - a drunk exchange at one of his first gigs, and it stuck.

  4. who is this man? And if he is SOOO great, why have you never mentioned him to me before? seriously though.

  5. Robb and I worked together when I was in college. He's a good egg, and he writes good tunes.

  6. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Robb McCormick was one of the first people I met at Arkansas Tech. He made me feel like there might actually be some cool people there, even though he always addressed me as "Pat Muhweenie." Plus, he looks like Matthew Sweet.

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    do you mean "muhweenie" isn't your last name?
