Friday, November 11, 2005

PetSmart Commercial

Have you seen this commercial? It makes me want a dachshund real bad. Okay, that's not true, doxies are evil little dogs who will turn on you if given the opportunity... but this commercial makes me forget that. Little dog, big toy. So cute. So, so cute. And when she runs the toy through the checkout and the little doggie is holding the new toy in his mouth and so HE gets run through the checkout, too? I love that. Way to go, PetSmart advertisers.

PetSmart commercial - B+


  1. Good ol' Petsmart, and the people they employ...actually, the people who work in their buildings but have not real association with the store.

  2. have you had a bad experience with dachsunds?

  3. No, my grandad Bill had a terrible experience, but I'm hoping that my brother will tell that story. if he doesn't by the end of the day today, I will.

  4. those damn dogs will turn on you...and they have, in my shoe.

  5. So my grandad Bill has had dachshunds for a long long time (and there's always one named Schatzi). One day, one of the dogs died, and the other two got all vicious and started attacking its little body. When Grandad tried to rescue it, the dogs turned on him and started attacking him. Of course, he's eighty timed their size, so it was no match, but still, those little fuckers can be evil.
