Sunday, October 23, 2005


Count me in on the "SUVs are unsafe" bandwagon. Last night, as Nate and I were walking to our car from a wedding reception, we heard this bang, turned around, and saw the following: a station wagon skid crazily through the intersection, and an SUV skid sideways, fly, and flip over and land upside down. It was probably one of the scariest things I've ever seen (and remember, I once hit a guy on a motorcycle). That SUV was so heavy, and must have been going pretty fast, to get air like that. Yikes. If I'm ever in the market to buy an SUV, I will check that crash test rating pretty seriously.

Car accidents - F


equippedtofascinate said...

Wow, I've never even seen a car accident take place, much less one that involves a car flipping over. I hope you recover from the trauma of watching that.

paultoes said...

i have some shrapnel from a car accident lodged in my cheek. i was driving and to my left these cars just collided terribly and a miniscule plastic fragment was suddenly lodged in my cheek; it flew in through my window. and now... i'll never be a teen model. never.

Anonymous said...

I too watched an SUV flip over three times in the median next to me on I-94 once. I thought that only happened in movies.

Chargenda said...


equippedtofascinate said...

Paul you could never be a teen model because you're no longer a teen.

paultoes said...

i wasn't talking to you, scott.

Anonymous said...

And you stopped to take a picture? Excellent!

Dustin Harder said...

When did you hit a guy on a motorcycle? I need more on that.

amanda said...

Andy, you ass! I didn't take that picture - I found it on the Internet!

Anonymous said...

Amanda creamed a guy on a Ninja. She didn't see him until he was "rolling across her hood."