Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's Very Beautiful, And Very Cold...

and it's for sale!

Click here to see the listing.

buying Cameron's house - B+ (points off because it's DAMN expensive)


  1. staxgirl9:11 AM

    I looked at the listing . . . and I know this house. Matter of fact, I knew one of the architects, David Haid. He used to live on the street where I used to live. I got him to open his own house on a housewalk I was chairing. It was filled with art and scukpture and I loved it.

    How did you happen upon the listing of the house in Highland Park?

  2. staxgirl9:12 AM

    That would be SCULPTURE.

  3. always lists fun things related to pop cutlure, and they listed this. just another reason why I love Pajiba!

  4. staxgirl2:42 PM

    Thanks . . . I didn't know that website.

    I guess I should have mentioned that David Haid passed away some fifteen years ago, which is what I meant by "used to know."

  5. senor fuerte12:54 PM

    Funny thing: asking price for Morris Frye's house is $2.3 million. To get his Ferrari, you'd have to spend about $5 million (and yes, I know the one in the movie was a fake.) Kinda makes the house look like a bargain, yes?

    Word verification: dents
