Friday, May 29, 2009

Cannonball Read - Book 39

I'm quite behind in my reading. There's three big reasons for this: I am ridiculously busy at work; I'm trying to read The Corrections and I can't get into it; because I can't get into it, I've been re-reading the Anne of Green Gables books to pass the time. But I did manage to finish Amy and Isabelle by Elizabeth Strout. It's a mother-daughter tale, so you know it can't be good. Wait, that came out wrong. I mean that fictional mother-daughter tales usually involve heartache and strife, not that the book itself is bad (although sometimes that's true, too). Isabelle, the mother, has some secrets, and when Amy's (the daughter) sexuality causes some havoc, Isabelle's pain resurfaces and it's all downhill from there. And, it's set in a mill town - which also can't be good. Books set in mill towns are always bleak affairs.

Overall, a pretty solid read, with one absolutely tremendous scene. Good choice for the ladies.

Amy and Isabelle - B

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