Sunday, February 10, 2008


Swag is one of the greatest things ever. Now that I'm a fancy worker, I get to go to conferences, and I'm always on the lookout for which booths are giving away the best stuff. Unfortunately, most arts organizations aren't selling "products," they're selling shows, so the most likely swag you'll see at a presenters or theaters conference is a DVD or CD of some wacky kids' show or magician or Celtic crossover band. At the last conference I attended, I managed to pick up a couple pens and a sticky note pad, but nothing else cool. I think that drug companies give the best swag. There always seem to be mousepads and mugs and pens and hats, and all sorts of other things. My mom and dad used to bring home tons of stuff like that, and it was all rad.
Yesterday, I attended a birthday party at JNash's house. JNash is a dermatologist, and she had just returned from a conference... and was parting with her swag. And let me tell you, a whole new world of swag was opened up to me. I came home with sunscreen, body wash, lotion, soap, and cuticle cream; other people took bronzer, anti-wrinkle cream, a wide variety of washes and lotions, and a Coolie hat.
I should be a dermatologist.

Swag - A


  1. It took me nearly 3 years to use up all of the lotions I got at one of the pediatrics conferences I went to, but you're right, it's nothing like the stuff my friend brought back from a derm conference - free samples from Lancome & Clinique even!

    I'll swap you any crazy kids DVDs or CDs you've got for drug company stuff - they're cracking down lately but I'm sneaky...

  2. Well, had I known you were so into the free goodies, I could have used you as a dumping ground for some of the multitudes of stuff we get in our office from every association in Michigan. I will not part with the coffee mugs I am currently using from Comcast or the Hemophilia FOundation (they're both red, and that's my favorite color). But I can offer you a canvas bag from the Michigan Food and Beverage Association, a bag of black licorice from the Michigan Distributors and Vendors Association, or (my personal favorite) - a Christmas tree ornament from the Michigan Sheriffs' Association. Nothing says Christmas like a bunch of law enforcement officers!

  3. Anonymous5:32 PM

    As someone who makes his living printing logos on promotional items, I have noticed that most swag itself is either useless or too tacky/gaudy to keep around. Advertisers would be well advised to pick objects that their target audience will actually use, then keep the logo as discrete as possible.


    That Broson carry-on has gotten much use as a gig bag for all my musical outings.

  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    You want swag? Two words: entertaiment industry. I got a 10-inch, LCD-illuminated replica of the big "ELVIS" sign as used in his '68 comeback special from his publisher. I'm scared to take it out of the box.

  5. I like swag!

    Hi Amanda Hi Nate!

  6. Anonymous4:17 PM

    You should tell your readers about one specific SWAG your dad used to bring you. You called them Meepers. You had dozens of them; you named them; you put them in families, and had family reunions with them. You were cute when you were little.
