Thursday, February 07, 2008

Dance Revolution

I am taking a fitness class - cardio dance and pilates, specifically. What a joy. It's me, a few other "young ladies," some very overweight middle-aged ladies, some spry but slow old ladies, and one guy. I don't know his name, but I call him Tom. I shake my groove thang twice a week in a school gymnasium, and I love it. You have never seen so many grapevines in one place (except for at mid-Michigan weddings, but then, there's less spandex).

Our hardest routine is to "How We Operate" by Gomez. The beginning of the song is a little tricky, and everyone, including the instructor, gets confused. I love that she's changing it up a little, and Gomez is a nice change from all the Motown we usually get, but maybe it wasn't such a good choice if everyone spends the first thirty seconds of the song staggering around wondering where the beat it.

my bi-weekly dance party - A


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Follow the guitar, and you'll get it. The syncopation on the banjo is pretty weird.

  2. Wow, that sounds really fun!!

  3. My favorite exercise class was Jazzercize. I took it when we lived on Mackinac Island. When I hear certain tunes, I feel like breaking into the routine we did during that class. What I hated was that all the other young women knew the routine and the instructor didn't want to wait for me to catch up. Even though I basically slogged my way through, I did like it.
