Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Beyonce "Deja Vu" Video

This video is something else. I know a lot has already been made about it by bloggers better than I, but I've seen it quite a bit recently and just feel compelled to write about it. Apparently, people are up in arms because they think Beyonce is too "hot," or too "adult." People, please! She is an adult! Here are my problems with the video: 1 - Jay-Z is kind of mean to Beyonce. He never looks at her, never smiles, just looks all mean. Be nice to your girlfriend, Jay. 2 - Beyonce wears ten different outfits in this video. I counted. Why does she need so many outfits? Is Tina Knowles hurting for work, and was just itchin' to make some pretty dresses? And 2a - why so many gloves? What fashion statement is Beyonce trying to make? I think some of the clothes she wears in this video are stunning (the insane "tribal" skirt featured in this picture is not) and she should have just stuck with three or four. But then, that wouldn't be a very Beyonce thing to do, now would it?

Deja Vu - B-


  1. I give the phrase "something else" an F. See, I don't get it. To say that something is "something else" is always a lie. Everything is always exactly what it is.

  2. I give the phrase "something else" an F. See, I don't get it. To say that something is "something else" is always a lie. Everything is always exactly what it is.

  3. That explanation is "something else!"

  4. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I don't like this video. I think her dancing is stupid. It's not entertaining. It's like a trainwreck, I want to look away but I can't make myself.
