Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The 3-Day (a real post)

Since I got back from the 3-Day, people have been asking me "Did you have fun?" the best way I can answer that is NO. It wasn't fun! C'mon, what did you expect? It was awesome and inspiring, but fun it wasn't.
The gory details: we slept in teeny tiny tents. We walked over 20 miles a day the first two days. People got taken to the hospital on the first day. One of my teammates' foot swelled up so big that it was twice the size of her other foot, and she got blisters between every single toe. It was hot. I didn't drink any coffee. And, as you've all been wanting to know, I had to take the bus back to camp the second day, because every part of my body below my waist was in major pain and I just couldn't walk five more miles. So, in actuality I walked 54 miles for breast cancer, not 60. Oh, and another one of my teammates wet her pants WHILE SHE WAS WALKING. It was a little gruesome. The line outside the medical tent was about an hour long, and the lines outside the mobile showers were even longer.
But, it was still amazing. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing. Should I start with the super butch girl, spiky hair dyed bright neon pink, with the big pink ribbon tattooed on her calf, who got picked up the first day after only nine miles but was back out on the trail every other day, even though it was obvious she was struggling? (by the way, that tattoo also said "MOM") Or the woman in the middle of treatment, who got pushed in a wheelchair by whoever she could find who'd push her when she got tired? Or all the people from the communities who came out with spray mist bottles and icy pops, just to support thousands of strangers?

So, 54 miles and over four thousand dollars. Beat that, suckers. I am invincible!

The 3-Day - A-, but if I can ever get my leg pain and sunburn to go away, up to an A


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I am smiling through my tears. You are invincible and I couldn't be prouder of you if you had 6 more miles. Thank you for believing in the cause. Your mother would be so proud.

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    You are my hero!!!

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    that was me. You are MY hero! lol

  4. Anonymous3:49 PM

    3 times hooray, you did it, way to go!
