Thursday, May 18, 2006

Throat Coat

I have a really bad sore throat. I also have a really awesome boyfriend. When I got home from work last night, there was a veritable plethora of "feel better" items on the kitchen table - echinacea pills, Cepacol throat lozenges, and Lemon Echinacea Throat Coat. Yay for Nate.

I'm down with Throat Coat. About five years ago, I had the good fortune of playing the role of Nancy in Oliver!, a musical a lot of people hate but I love. It had long been a dream of mine to play Nancy, and when the time came, I spanked it... for about two performances. Then I got sick. Really sick. Go to the hospital because I thought I broke a rib coughing sick. My delicious roommates plied me with Throat Coat, and I got through my performances just fine. But it's been that long since I had Throat Coat, and I had turned it into this incredibly vile substance in my mind. Turns out it's not that bad - especially not the Lemon Echinacea kind. Yes, it has a sort of meaty smell to it that I can't identify, and it is incredibly hot when you first make it and you should let it cool off a bit, lest you burn your tongue off, but its healing properties cannot be matched. It has mucilaginous properties such as marshmallow root - and I LOVE the word "mucilaginous." The heat is soothing, it doesn't have caffeine, and the light lemon kick makes it go down easier. Good times, Throat Coat.

Throat Coat - A- (if someone could tell me why it smells meaty, and what purpose that serves, I could be persuaded to bump up the grade to a full-fledged A)


  1. I know and love "throat coat."

    BTW, I will be sending the envelope with registration thingy soon. Lots to tell. Remind me to email you.

    Luv u, mi u

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Nate IS the BEST!

  3. It was a fun hospital trip. I remember you telling the doctor you were in Oliver! and he looked at you like, what's your point. You meant to say that you have to wear a corset in the show and it makes your ribs feel better when it's on, but you just trailed off and I found it really funny.

  4. hey, i was her roomie too.

  5. Woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat, so I'm am steeping some throat coat. The meaty smell you are referring to is the real licorice that in it. Do you remember in college when I bought some of that licorice root at the health food store? Not sure if you tried it. Anyway, that's what that smell is. Case closed!
