Wednesday, May 17, 2006

American Idol

I used to be a die-hard American Idol fan, but I haven't watched it in over two years. Last night, while I was being sick and pitiful on the couch, I thought "Hey, it's Tuesday, I have nothing better to do, and I'm already in front of the TV... I'll watch Idol." And I'm pretty sure I won't be watching it any more this season. The final three did not impress me. Elliott and Taylor are both really awkward, although they both have good voices. Katharine is very pretty, and she sings well, but there is definitely something about her that rubs me the wrong way. I didn't vote, and I don't really care who wins. Maybe the winner will achieve some fame, but it will peter out by the time the next season starts... Carrie who?

The best part of the show for me was the Cingular commercial featuring Alex Boyd, former Interlochen bad boy and star of 2003 reality show Fame. He's the one in the maroon jacket and black shirt in the commercial, if you recall. Good for him.

American Idol - B-


  1. All I have to say about this season is, if Taylor or Catherine win, I'm done...until next season, when I hope to be the winner. You'd watch if I was on, right?

  2. I feel pretty proud of myself, 'cause I picked Katherine and Taylor at the audition phase... Accuse me of having no taste if you will, but I was still right!

  3. Elliot was voted off tonight. That show is dead to me.

  4. i'm not big on idol but peeps really like carrie and i have caught kathryn on occasion and I thouroughly enjoy her. you are seriously so harsh sometimes lady.
