Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Quiet Down Over There!

During one of my classes today, this guy sitting near me was breathing so loud I couldn't hear the professor speaking. It was unreal. He was breathing through his nose, but it was outrageously loud. Imagine if you will medium-loud snoring, the kind you typically hear at night from someone who has a cold. Now transfer this into your waking hours, sitting two feet away from someone "snoring." It was terrible. Maybe the guy has sinusitis, or maybe he's just a ridiculously loud breather. Either way, I hope he doesn't sit near me nest week.

loud breather - D+ (awarded a few sympathy points for illness, if that's the case)


  1. I had a girl I went to high school with who then went to my college who did that when I had a class with here. It bugged me to no end!

  2. Would you please tell me if I did that to you? I always sit behind you in class too.

  3. i can hear my roomie breathe when he is in the bathroom...seriously. Its starting to get on my last nerve. but hes a good guy.
