Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Grey's Anatomy Season 1

Curse the impulse buy! I was in Best Buy looking for a video game chair for Nate, and saw this little gem on sale for $16.95. I had to get it! I want to catch up on all the things I missed during the first season (which is basically everything, since I started watching about four episodes from the end). I'm pretty excited about it. Now, I shouldn't have even gone into Best Buy, since I already had a Valentine's Day present for the Nate-Dogg, but I did, and I left with something I wanted just a little but couldn't resist.
And I didn't buy the chair.

impulse buys - C+
Grey's Anatomy on DVD - A-


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Curse your impulse to buy and my impulse to give! What am I going to do with two sets of this! Dammit! :P Well I'm glad you have it because it sure is awesome. SEE YOU FRIDAY!
    <3 MC

  2. whoever that is above can give me the DVD's...I want want want this dvd so freaking bad! Curse SOME impulse buy's-but NOT this one. Good work! You deserve this DVD!!!! LOVE YOU!!

  3. were you looking at the vibrating, speaker-implanted video game chair? that's freaky.

  4. There you go, Meggie - you can give your extra copy to Dustin.
    I think the chair I looked at must have been laced with heroin, because it was 120 bucks. It was a low-slung, spacey-looking rocker, and it was definitely cool, but a video game chair should not cost more than my bed, know what I'm saying?

  5. I love the impulse buy. I can't go to the store trying to find something for someone else without getting a few little somethings for myself.

  6. If Dustin gets the extra copy, he better let me borrow it!

  7. It is only 16.99. What a deal! Go get your own people, it ain't that much!
