Thursday, November 17, 2005

Shakira "Don't Bother" Video

I think this is my new favorite video. If I were into girls, I would be so in love with Shakira - she is so hot. In this video, she prances around in a little nightie with a leather strap tied around her arm. Yowza. Also, the new Ford Mustang is prominent in this video, and I think it is one of the sexiest cars to come around in a long time. I love that Shakira plays the guitar in a junkyard. It seems like a video cliche, but when you're Shakira, you can do whatever you want. And the song's catchy, too! Don't bother, she'll be fine. This is one smokin' video. If you haven't gotten on the "morning videos instead of morning news" bandwagon, "Don't Bother" is your excuse.

Shakira "Don't Bother" video - A-


  1. green, green is good but i find myself missing the familiarity of the naivehelga i once knew.
    "when its time to change you've got to re arrange, who you are into what you wanna be" says Greg Brady. I'll go check out the shakira video on

  2. so the shakira video....what was really going on there? YES..I agree she looked hot but overall...I dont get it. I mean, was the car like some strange voodoo doll sort of thing of the guy? Keep the stylist but find a new director.

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I haven't seen this video, but i hope her moves are better than they were in the "la tortura" video. That one sucked.

  4. Dusty - think of my blog's new look like a haircut: you're never sure at first what you think, but after a while, you start forgetting what the old style looked like.

  5. Shakira: A+
    Shakira's hips: well beyond the grading scale. Sets the curve. har. har.

    Bright Green: C+

  6. Tim - you don't get to pass judgment on my blog because you haven't updated yours in weeks. Sorry.

  7. Is Shakira ever fulled clothed in a video? I'm not judging, cause if I had a hot body, I wouldn't wear clothes either. I just don't watch videos anymore so I don't know. I like the new look to the blog. I never know what to expect when I get here. Did you get my invitation yet?

  8. okay-i forgot to mention my favorite part of the shakira video...she has this signature chest pulse that she does...she gives it a subtle pulse a few times in this video-thats my fav part. Is this a new look to your blog Amanda? i really like it. hahahha.

  9. while on videos..i finally saw kelly clarkson's "because of you" a helga reader posted before "somebody get this girl a good video!" But, i still dig the video for "since you been gone".

  10. I love Shakira. I can't understand a DAMN thing she sings about, but I like her. As for her dancing ... that's some crazy stuff. I dunno how she does it, so hats off to her. As for the video ... i don't understand it.

  11. Hey!

    I came to visit you and like the site!

    I saw Shakira perform on some sort of Aerosmith tribute that was on MTV a couple of years ago. Basically, a bunch of established and nouveau performers were invited to sing Aerosmith classics while the band sat in the audience, watching.

    Shakira sang Dude Looks Like a Lady and she was smokin'. She turned up the "Lady" part at the end of the sentence, kind of like a sizzling question mark, making the song fresh again. And the way she shook her ass!! Wow!

    Even Steve Tyler looked impressed. And, since he is sober now, he wasn't even wasted.

    I always appreciate female performers with small tits, too. (Gwen, also.)
