Friday, November 18, 2005

Amer's Mediterranean Deli

Amer's is an Ann Arbor institution - I remember getting a Torani steamer at Amer's when I was in high school (before I drank coffee) and I'm sure it was around before that. I had a coupon for five free dollars at Amer's (remember when the Newcomers lady came to my house this summer?), and decided to see what they had to offer me for dinner last night. Everything at Amer's is expensive, so I opted for a bagel with veggie cream cheese. It was delicious. I think a lot of it had to do with the addition of a thinly sliced tomato. I could have gotten bell pepper, onion, cucumber or sprouts, too. Not so much a bagel anymore, is it? It's a delicious meat-free bagel sandwich. It wasn't as hot as I would have liked, but I blame the walk back to work - my bagel was wrapped in foil, but that can't compete with below-freezing temperatures. My bagel with accoutrements was $2.11, which means I have $2.89 left on my little coupon. That won't get me very far, since a typical sandwich at Amer's is over six bucks, but I'll try another bagel again soon.
There's one thing abour Amer's that frustrates me: the pronunciation of the name. I've always said "Ahh-merz." Some people say "Uh-Meerz," and some people say "Uh-Mehrz." I need some clarification here.

Amer's Mediterranean Deli - B+


  1. say a lot of places are an Ann Arbor institution. I want some honesty from Helga...tell me how you really feel.

  2. Do I? I never noticed... well, Amer's has been around since the first time I came to Ann Arbor with Sarah Pollard in the 10 grade, and I definitely remember getting delicious beverages there during all-state choir with Anne Lauckner and Katie Trojan. So it might not be an institution, but it's been around a while.

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Thank you for reminding me of accoutrements which is one of my favorite words. I love accoutrements. Turkey with all of the accoutrements.

  4. Anonymous11:20 AM

    You had a friend named Katie Trojan? Freakin' sweet!

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Hey kid. Bon and I will be in Rochester, MN in early December. Yeah, Mayo. You can email me at and let me know what is going on. By the way, Old Navy rocks.

  6. Her name may have been Katie Trogan... damn my memory.

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    You're right, most people pronounce the place Ah-Meerz, but everyone I know whose name is Amer pronounces it Ahh-mer...
