Saturday, October 08, 2005


Yesterday I saw a girl wearing some yoga pants with a word on the ass. Usually, I really don't like them, because they'll say things like "JUICY" or "ABERCROMBIE" or "CHEER," but these were pretty awesome. They said DRUMLINE. I love that this girl has enough confidence in her drumline to let people know, via her ass, that she's a member. However, I wonder what the guys got to wear.

DRUMLINE yoga pants: B+


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The guys would wear "DRUMLINE" jockstraps, of course. Mine would say, "I'M A PROUD MEMBER OF THE DRUMLINE; THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR NOTICING!"

  2. I heartily object to all women's clothing that plasters words across asses or breasts, as I'm quite sick of having to say, "no, I'm not into twelve year-olds, I was just reading her ass."

  3. are you sure she was actually in the drumline? Or, could the word "dumline" on her ass be referring to something else? hmmmm

  4. and pat...that's a lot to put on a jockstrap buddy.

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Oh, young Dustin, where to begin...

  6. I know exactly what you're talking about Pat. It isn't easy to be well-endowed.
