Saturday, October 08, 2005

More Observations

I saw another interesting thing on campus yesterday. It was almost 11, so people were on their way to class, and suddenly there was this guy running across campus with his backpack on his back. He wasn't just moving quickly, or jogging - he was run-ning, and the backpack was bouncing up and down. He looked like he was training for the Navy SEALS. It was absolutely ridiculous. I bet that nothing bad would have happened if he had been late to class. Dude - either leave earlier in the morning, or leave the backpack at home when you sprint across campus.

Running With Backpack - C-


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I, too, have started being more aware of backpacks. Today I saw decidely middle Eastern looking young man wearing scrubs and wearing a backpack walking through our hospital. I must tell you that I had "the thought". Scrubs are the perfect disguise in a hosptial and blowing up a hospital would really terrorize more Americans than are terrorized already.

  2. My guy was harmless... just clueless.

  3. You have no idea why the guy was running! Give him a break. I say this because i have been the guy running before. think about it...i'm sure you have too.

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The guy in the picture: is he a Ghostbuster?
