Friday, October 28, 2005

Madonna "Hung Up" Video

Our morning video exchange:
Amanda - "Wow, she is making love to that radio."
Nate - "Oh, she's not making love."
Madonna totally humps a stereo in this video. Super grind and super hump. I'm telling you what. But that's not all! She wears a sweet '80s dance outfit, has amazing back-up dancers, and samples an ABBA song. I love ABBA, more than I love Madonna, so this is super exciting for me.
What I like the most about this video is that it's not super-formulaic like most of the other videos I see in the morning. Sure, she dances with hot younger guys, and there's a shot of Madonna walking in rhythm to the music, but that's okay. I can handle that. And the song is good, too. It's nice when song and video line up in goodness.

"Hung Up" video - B+ (sure, it's good, but it's no "Like A Prayer" or "Express Yourself")


  1. She totally humped the radio!

  2. She is so much hotter at 47 than she's ever been.
    I like the part where she dances on the Dance Dance Revolution game at the end.

  3. my fav is her on the dance dance revolution game as well!

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    hey, Madonna is GREAT!! but I just wonder! are there anyone who knows who that guy in hung up is? the "kitchen-guy"? with the white hat? answer!

  5. It's nice to find someone who shares my affinity for ABBA.
