Saturday, October 29, 2005

Krispy Kreme

Saturday morning. A time for sleeping late, watching cartoons, and eating the most delicious breakfast on the planet - Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It's actually been months since I've had a Krispy Kreme, but I think about them almost every Saturday. There's just something special about a Krispy Kreme doughnut. They are the standard by which all doughnuts are measured.
Aside from amazingly great taste, there's something else special about Krispy Kreme doughnuts - their ability to bring people together. Once you've had a Krispy Kreme experience with someone, you share a bond that can never be broken. Ashlee in Memphis? Sara in Oklahoma City? Dustin, Paul and Ashley in Atlanta? Scott in Flint? Lifelong friends. Maybe not entirely because of Krispy Kreme, but I would be lying if I said a doughnut didn't play a role in those relationships.

Krispy Kreme - A- (why the minus? no KK in AA)


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Saturday mornings were created for special breakfasts. Good coffee and tasty treats while sitting on the deck in front of a chiminea with scents of burning pinon wafting through the cool morning air. Share those Saturdays with someone you love. It is not so special out here by myself.

  2. I don't think anyone could ever make a doughnut better than Krispy Kreme. I love how everyone who works there is always so happy too. I know I would be if I could steal those treats all day long. KK gets an A+ from me.

  3. Eh. Their chocolate is more sugary than chocolatey and their donuts are uninspired. I think it's the reliability everyone loves. Your McDonald's cheeseburger will be the same in Nevada as in Connecticut.

    Find a little home-owned bakery where they make their donuts by hand every morning. Where they're sold out by 8:45 am every weekend day. In Lexington it was Spalding's. People from the nice end of town only knew Spalding's as a myth. You would walk into Spalding's and the case would be full of donuts. You'd order a dozen and the old woman (co-owner with husband... Mrs. Spalding, I presume?) would say, "wait just a minute, and we'll get you some warm ones comin' out right now." Mmm.

  4. doughnuts make me feel guilty.

  5. i'll give you a krsipy kreme...right in your butt...

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I LOVE krispy kremes! I have a half dozen right after my cardio at Curves.

  7. totally, thats me in this pictures and on that day...over some glazed goodies i bonded with Emily Conway and Chereese Mackey in Atlanta, GA.

  8. One thing I don't understand about Krispy Kreme... if I'm going to eat a donut, I don't want it to be crispy. So, why the name??
