Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Silicone Bracelets

Let me begin by saying that I admire Lance Armstrong. Not only is he a tremendous athlete, but he raised a bunch of money for a disease that most people can't even talk about without smirking. So mad props to Lance and his yellow LiveStrong bracelets.

Now, with that said, seriously, people, it's time to put the bracelets away, even the original LiveStrongs. They have overstayed their welcome, and the knock-offs are pissing people off. I knew it was over when Interlochen manufactured their very own Fear No Art silicone bracelets... and they sold like hotcakes! It's insane! What purpose does that serve? Are we now raising awareness of Interlochen? Stop!

Sililcone Bracelets - D


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Your picture shows a person with seven (7) bracelets. I admit that is a little much, but you know why I wear a pink one and a little pink ribbon pin on the lapel of my coats. How can that be wrong? Interlochen and arts is one thing. Bringing awareness and fighting breast cancer is another. Wearing this bracelet is another way I am supporting our person who is really fighting the fight.

  2. I like lapel pins, and honest-to-God ribbons, but I just can't stand the bracelets anymore. I have a pink one, too, but I don't wear it (and actually, AD, I haven't seen you wear yours, either!). I think they market has been saturated and people who actually have a cause to support need to find another way, because when people start wearing seven or eight, or even three, the meaning gets lost.

    Oooh, the blog's gettin' political!

  3. Right. I am tired of them as well. And I get upset when there are bracelets for great causes out there, but those are being watered down by ones that have no purpose or cause at all. Lapel pins will always be in style, these bracelets just don't look good. And suddenly men think it is OK to wear these to work with a suit.

  4. Amanda-I AGREE 150%. The one bracelet served its purpose and as for other bracelets that also serve a purpose-come up with something else.These guys have seen their last day. I'm not trying to diss anyone wearing one but really, take it off. Support in other ways-trust me, ya'll can think of something. With the number of these bracelets that are out that DO NOT support anything it tends to devalue any bracelet you have on that means something. dont get me started! dont EVEN get me started!


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