Wednesday, September 07, 2005


In keeping with yesterday's entry about not sleeping well, I thought I'd share with you the dreams that woke me up last night.

1 - I'm camping with Nature Dave (former Interlochen hall counselor), some guy I don't know, and my mom (that's what makes it a dream - the Strongs don't go camping!). It starts raining, so we decide to hitch a ride, and Mom, Nature Dave and Dream Dude start hitching. Suddenly, it's blazing hot and sunny, so hot that they start fainting and falling into big pools of water. I've been put in charge of baby-sitting a young Keisha Knight-Pulliam, circa the Cosby Show years, and I look like Naomi Watts. Keisha's in one of those ring buoys, and I'm holding onto the rope (she's not a strong swimmer) and I tell her not to let go or she might drown... but then I fall into the water. Keisha follows my instructions and doesn't let go of the buoy, so I am being held under the water. I'm drowning and screaming. I woke up because Nate shook me awake - my moaning woke him up.

2 - I am in my childhood home in El Paso, Texas. I have just gotten into a screaming match with my mom, and I lock myself in my room... or maybe I was locked in my room, I'm not really sure. I yell at my mother that, since I can scream now, I am going to scream as loud as I can. Unfortunately, right as I started screaming, and right as Adam Daniels showed up to rescue me, Nate again woke me up - I'll never know what Adam and I were off to do.

Crazy dreams - C-


  1. Wow...I don't want to read into this too much, but from what I know about dream interpretation you should be really worried...

    Kidding, the dreams just mean that you are worried, stressed, but funny that Nel pops into these stressed out dreams!

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM


  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I had a dream once where Roger Moore rescued me from a cafe in Prague where they were about to convict me for being a spy, and then we fled to Paris, and it all ended in a big dance number with a kickline and everything.

    Clearly, great minds have crazy dreams together...

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Ask me sometime about the dream where I beat up a tall blonde girl in a sequin dress...

  5. Anonymous1:22 AM

    All my dreams are thwarted-ambition dreams. This troubles me.

  6. You'll all be happy to know that last night's sleep was sound and dreamless. Finally.
