Friday, September 09, 2005


Remember Friends? I love this show. I just discovered that it's on TBS about three hours a day... which I love! I also just discovered that, on November 15, the entire series is going to be available on DVD for the low low price of $245! If anyone wants to get that for me, that would be sweet.

OK, I have to know... what's your favorite episode?

Friends - B+


  1. Seriously! You want me to pick a favorite!?!?! I dont know if I can pick a fav-BUT-I have to say one of my favorite moments is when they have the video game and Phoebe gets all hooked on it and she looses just as Ben walks in the room and its like "EXPLITIVE!EXPLITIVE! EXPLITIVE!!" and Phoebe's yelling in slow motion swinging her head all which way like a snarling , raging panting beast. Great moment. Whats your fav mamaranda?

  2. Anonymous4:11 PM

    The one with the Turkey with the sunglasses on Monica's head always makes me cry with laughter.

  3. I have a tie - the one where Monica and Chandler get engaged, and the one where they play the trivia game about each other for occupancy of the apartment. Ms. Chanandler Bong kills me every time.

  4. Dare I say that I really couldn't describe an episode enough to call it my favorite. But I do like the song "Smelly Cat"...

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I love the one where everyone finds out--- Phoebe seducing Chandler cracks me up!! Matthew Perry's delivery has never been better! "What about my squeezable bisep... She knows!!"

  6. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I don't have a favorite episode, just three favorite moments: 1) When Ross keeps jumping out yelling "DANGER!", 2) When Ross, Rachel, and Chandler are moving the couch and Ross yells "PIVOT!", and 3) when Joey awakens to find himself buried in sand and nods approvingly at his own sand breasts.

  7. Anonymous12:16 AM

    The one where they are watching the video of Ross about to take Rachel to the prom. In the video she has left with someone else as he comes down the stairs. The look on his face. Rachel watching the video looks at Ross and knows. She goes over and kisses him. Unrequited love fullfilled.

  8. Anonymous8:04 PM

    The one with all the wedding dresses.... this one is just hilarious because of the whole wedding dress situation. I would LOVE to sit around, shop around, hang out in a wedding dress all the time!! I also love it because of Phoebe's line about buying a dress at a shop called Its not too late. LOVE IT!!

    The one where Rachel Quits.... This one is so hilarious because of the whole "Christmas Trees and their destiny story" they tell Phoebe, I LOVE IT, Esp at the end where they buy her all the old trees, its so darn sweet!!

    I also agree with Amanda's Brother's Fiance with The One where everyone finds out...
    It just hilarous with Phoebe and Chandler, every line and move in that one makes me roll on the floor, Isn't that the same one where Ross yells from across the way "GET OFF MY SISTER!"

    Then of course there are the random quotes from the show that I love....90% happy, 10% jealous.
    ok, I'll hush now...I could go on FOREVER!!


  9. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I love the wedding dress episode, and I love the trivia game for the apartments, but favorite moment might be when Jon Lovitz was on and Monica was cooking for him but he was high and launching Teddy Grahams into the soup and then shouting "bears overboard!"
