Saturday, September 10, 2005


I hardly know where to begin to talk about the brilliance of this movie. It had depth, it had rawness, it had brutality and emotion and strong characters and twists... want more? It had a kickass soundtrack as well. I think this movie was pretty profound, and it made me think, although there were some plot contrivances as well. It's one thing to break down stereotypes, but another altogether to either defy or embrace every racial sterotype just to further the story. For those of you that have seen the movie, I'm thinking mostly about the Hispanic locksmith and Sandra Bullock; everyone who hasn't seen it, you'll see what I mean. Also, it last snowed in Los Angeles in 1989. Just so you know.

This movie is going to be completely overlooked come Oscar season - why couldn't it have come out in November? I think there were some absolutely wonderful performances, and the script was great, but I think by the end of the year, people will have forgotten about it. Sad. It's up to us to keep it alive... see it, people.

Crash - A-


  1. Anonymous2:57 AM

    I'm pretty sure this movie generated some Oscar heat when it was called "Magnolia."

  2. Anonymous2:58 AM

    It snowed in Palos Verdes, CA (part of LA County) in 1991 on the last day of school before Christmas break... I was there. It was anarchy!

  3. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Yes, we are here together at two minutes to midnight. He may even SLEEP HERE!!! HA HA HAAAAAAAA!!!! (Too bad my parents don't yet read naivehelga!)

  4. So, you didn't like it, Pat?

  5. i disagree, I dont think enough people saw it when it was actually out. And it is in fact still playing in some theatres. I think the more the word is spread the more people will see it. So..I disagreed with that part but i compleltly agree with how you felt about the movie. I myslelf thought it was brilliant! And Amanda...your parents DO SO read naivehelga-there was a comment fromyour dad a while back. Do i read it more than you?

  6. Read more closely, Russell - that was someone else saying that their parents didn't read the blog!

  7. Arrrrghhh! Amanda, please please please redeem yourself and go rent Amores Perros. (coincidentally, we still make a hell of a team... I just 'reviewed' Crash on my blog. :)

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    See See? I told you it was great!

    One of the 8 million reasons I love Don Cheadle.

  9. I still haven't seen this yet, and not sure why, just kind of hesitant to check it out.

  10. I loved Sandra in this movie. I didn't know she had it in her to swear as much as she did during the scene with the locksmith in her house. Great movie.
