Sunday, August 09, 2009

Cannonball Read - Book 53

The Widows' Adventures by Charles Dickinson (yes, that's his real name) is one of the best books you've never heard of. Here's a quick synopsis:
"Widows Ina and Helene, sisters from Chicago, set off on a drive to Los Angeles. There’s one problem: Only Helene can drive, and she’s blind. Beer-swigging Ina acts as her eyes. On back roads in the dead of night they travel across an America they never knew."
But there's a lot more to it than that. Strained familial relationships, violence, murder, adultery, lots of laughs, a few tears, lesbians, and a really compelling story. Helene and Ina are full, three-dimensional characters, and Dickinson's got a way with words - the language is very accessible, but has a few poetic moments thrown in. You can't help but like this one.

Dickinson's a newspaperman from Chicago, with a few books and short stories under his belt. He's also the dad of one of my co-workers. True story.

The Widows' Adventures - A-


  1. I read this quite a long while ago, and really liked it. Just the idea of sisters going a long distance together, and getting there all in one peace ( I mean it that way)is an interesting story. I thought of myself and my sister-yikes.

  2. I have to read this now. I am going to find the Nashville public library and check it out this week, since I've got some free time on my hands for extra reading...

  3. Queen B, if you are SisterJ ever goes blind, please, PLEASE don't drive across the country.

    JJack, read it! You'll love the dedication.
