Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cannonball Read - EXTREME EDITION!

Long distance flights are great. There's plenty of time for reading. There's also plenty of time for listening to Carmine from Laverne & Shirley tell stories about his newest project on Broadway, and how he played chess with Kiefer Sutherland when he appeared on 24. I, of course, had NO idea who he was. Sorry, Eddie.

But back to the reading: between my flight out to California on Thursday and my flight home today, I read THREE BOOKS! Hooray! First up: The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies. Davies lives and works right here in my town - so I'm thinking local - and The Welsh Girl is his first novel, although he's written some acclaimed short stories and poems.  Well, I liked the meat of The Welsh Girl, but it had a prologue and an epilogue that I didn't really love.  They were completely necessary to tell the story, to provice nice bookends for the plot, but I don't know why they weren't included as chapters.  Be that as it may, The Welsh Girl was quite good - a story of war, Wales and love.  Or something passing for love.  Companionship?  Shared secrets?  But I kept superimposing it with this book. I think I would have liked The Welsh Girl a lot better if it had been book ten or twenty instead of book five. But I shouldn't really fault it for its placement.

Next up: Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. I'd never read any of his books before, although I love the movie version of Fight Club, and my husband really liked this when he listened to the audio book... which makes me wonder a little bit about him. Because this book was CRAZY. And I definitely shouldn't have read it on the plane, because I didn't want people reading the phrase "she was throttling my dog" over my shoulder. At any rate, this book is not for the faint of heart, but it is very clever and quite funny, although parts of it were heart-hurty. I don't think the character got a lot of love as child. And there's a nice twist, which I didn't see coming - which I always like.

Next up: The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. I've read this before, but just once, so I was read it again. If you want to know more, read this. Just as good the second time around.

Four days. Three books. Seven down, 93 to go. I can make it!

The Welsh Girl - B
Choke - A-
The Glass Castle - A

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