Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I write my blog in my head every day. EVERY DAY. I can't tell you how many times I've written those two sentences. In fact, I have a small store of topics to draw from, floating around up in my little noggin, yet for some reason, I don't write them down.

As someone once said to me, I don't know what my problem is.

But I'm not ready for my blog to be dead. I just need something to inspire me, something to make me sit up and take notice and say, Yes, that is worth blogging about. Where are my out-of-control Hollywood starlets? Where's my ridiculous headline from AOL? Where is... everyone?

feeble attempt at a comeback - B-


  1. Amanda, you have to come up with something. Here I am stuck at home with the little peanut all day, and I have no entertainment from you. It makes me so sad...

    I think you should blog about being friends with your parents on Facebook or MySpace. Personally, I find it a little weird. Why does someone our parents age have an account anyway? And why do I want them to see all the random stuff on my page?

  2. I've been checking in to see where you were! I've missed you. Welcome Back!

    I agree with Shannon that's a good topic. I have that issue as well.

  3. I'm here too -- although I am fairly lame myself, so I am not sure that I am all that inspiring ...

  4. And as someone once said "I KNOW what your problem is. You're DRUNK."

    Although, that's not actually your problem in this case.

    I think you could blog about your favorite stationary companies or about... yeah, I don't know. But stick around. I kept checking in!
