Thursday, November 22, 2007

Project Runway Recap

Oh Project Runway, I am thankful for you. Here's why: Sarah. Jessica. Parker. She never even crossed my mind. You picked the perfect guest judge... although I am VERY skeptical of her Bitten line. Steve and Barry's? Really? The last thing I bought at S&B's was a yellow polo shirt, and it shrank after the first wash. But, it was $5.99. So there. Sarah Jessica Effin' Parker. I love it. I feel like she dialed it down and was more real, less Carrie Bradshaw, for her stint as a judge. Way to go, SJP.

As for the challenge: I appreciate that the designers needed to make something that retailed for less than $40, but it was also incredibly disheartening to see what chintzy material the designers used, since most of my clothes retail for less than $40. Also, why the leggings? If Project Runway designers not only endorse leggings but MAKE them, I fear for the state of fashion. Ricky's dress was adorable. I liked Victorya's dress, and the little vest was super cute, but I can't see any "real woman" wearing that vest. It was way too tiny. As for Elisa and Sweet P... I stand by my opinion that the cape was lame. Who buys capes? And Elisa needs to go with a different color. That's two weeks in a row of teal/turquoise.

Ricky's the crier this season! I'm glad that's settled.

Project Runway - A


  1. As an "everyday woman", I wouldn't look good in any of those things. They've done the plus size model thing last season(sorta, though not everyone was 'stuck' with a big woman) with the mother's making an appearance as models, they need to bring in some good old size 12-14s and see what designers can come up with to make US look good. Last weeks outfits in bigger measurements would FIT, but they wouldn't FLATTER. Just because it doesn't touch doesn't mean it looks good.

    Let's see what you've got, PR!!

    Okay, I'm done now.

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    $15 retail doesn't buy the same as $15 wholesale so the budget they were given for fabric didn't really relate to the mandated $40 price point.

    I'm amazed anybody looked good in just $15 from Mood!
