Tuesday, November 06, 2007


On Halloween, I got my palm read. I've always wanted to get my palm read - there was a weird little place where I went to college that would do palm readings and crystal ball gazings, and back in the '90s, it was ten bucks per reading. What a bargain. I love Arkansas. But on Halloween, it was a fun extra part of a concert at work, so I had Dr. Voodoo read my palm. He told me that I'm attracted to assholes. He also told me that I need to be more assertive and stop giving people the benefit of the doubt over and over. He also told me that it was possible that I would probably have one child. Yeah, thanks for the specificity. Good times.

palm reading - B-


  1. sounds like aload of BS to me sista. But what do I know. palm readings and such are against my religion...if only I remembered what my religion is. hm.

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Sounds about right to me.

  3. HAHA Nate and Amanda having a baby, LOVE IT! You guys should do it!

  4. Did he actually say assholes, or did you embelish?

  5. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I had someone read my palm once. They said I'd have 2 children. Since I'm currently working on #4, I think it's safe to say they were wrong.
