Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Try It, You Might Like It

At a recent work gathering, when fancy drinks and snacks were so generously purchased by my place of business, I decided to branch out from the things I usually would order and try something new. First up: the Pimm's Cup. I've been reading about the Pimm's Cup for years - they're mentioned all the time in one of my favorite book series. I did a little research on Pimm's this morning, so that you too can know what I'm talking about: Pimm's is its own kind of liquor, sort of like Southern Comfort, but Pimm's is gin-based (had I known that in advance, I wouldn't have ordered it - I'm not into gin). Pimm's Cups are traditionally made with Pimm's No. 1 and lemon soda or sometimes ginger ale, and always garnished with a cucumber. That's fun. I'd never seen one on a menu before, so I retracted my offer for a Cosmopolitan and tried the Pimm's instead. And... it was OK. I didn't love it. It was too much like champagne, or ginger ale, and I don't really like those, either, and it also didn't have a lot of flavor. I would have been better served getting that Cosmo, or just a beer.

Next up: mussels. Yes, I had never had a mussel before last night. I tend to not be into shellfish, and I think that it's a waste to try (read: pay for) something that I probably won't like - but this was one of those "get an order and pass it around and share" sort of things, so I tried one. And... I didn't like it, and this was not a surprise. It was the texture, sure, but I also didn't like the flavor.

I wonder why I don't like this fancy stuff. If we had gone to Buffalo Wild Wings for nachos and beer, I would have been all over it.

trying something new - A
not liking something new - C


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I myself am afraid to try a mussel. Your post has re-affirmed my fear and I'm probably not going to be trying them any time soon!

  2. yeah... me neither.

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I can deal with mussels, but I'm not going to be going near any raw oysters.

  4. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Congratulations for stepping out of your box! Oyster shooters are recommended, don't know about mussel shooters.

  5. I enjoy mussels and shellfish in general. Pimms I've heard of, but never a Pimms Cup. Interesting.

  6. Anonymous11:15 PM

    dahling, Pimm's no.1 is gin-based, Pimm's no.6 is vodka-based. Or the other way around. But either way you have another option!
