Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Love You, Posh!

Last night I happened upon Victoria Beckham: Coming to America on VH1, and you know what? I totally love Victoria Beckham. She was adorable, and so sweet and really pretty funny. This is a picture of Posh throwing out the first pitch at a Dodgers game - she's completely ridiculous, and look at her high-heeled sneakers, but that's what makes her so cute. My favorite thing she did on the show was go therapeutic shopping - she was feeling down because David and the boys were back in England and she was in L.A. house-hunting, so because she was a little sad and missed them, she went shopping. I love this because this is what millions of women worldwide do when they're a little down - but since she's Posh, she went to super fabulous stores and bought teeny tiny, very expensive denim shorts. She's very accessible and yet MAJOR. I've decided that I'm a Posh fan. I've seen through her glossy veneer to the gawky goofball underneath, and I love her for it.

Victoria Beckham - A


  1. Did you notice how she said Ralph Lauren like seven times during the show? Yeah, after that she went on our preferred discount list, literally 24 hours after it first aired. Ralph likes it when Posh says his name, the sales of the shoes she bought went through the roof, even the downtown store sold out.
    Oh, Posh.

  2. OK, I watched the show when it first aired and I totally love her, too! She is so Major! Can we start saying that now?

  3. I think she is actually quite funny. I have seen a few interviews with her -- one that some kids did.
