Thursday, September 06, 2007

An Hour That May Have Changed My Life

I watched Tim Gunn's Guide To Style last night, and I think it may have changed my life. I have already begun mentally going through my closet and sorting everything into four piles: keepers, menders, throwaways and giveaways. I'm going to start with - wait for it - PAGEANT DRESSES. I've kept them thinking that someday I would sell them, or keep them forever for dress-up clothes, if I ever have a little girl (or a fabulous little boy), but really, they're out of style and they just take up space in my closet. Bye-bye, pageant dresses! I'm also going to take this "mender" category seriously. I have clothes that might be nice, particularly pants, but they're just too long. I should give my seamstress acquaintance a call.

The thing I loved most about this show was Tim doesn't want you to change your figure and then go shopping for the "new you," but rather dress to fit the you who you are right now. I love that. I've had enough of "makeover" shows where the first goal is to lose weight.

And Veronica Webb is a bitch! I love her!

Tim Gunn's Guide To Style - B+ (points for featuring Tim, but points off because it's not quite Project Runway)


  1. Don't tell Erin. She is crazed for "what not to wear" and this is right up her alley.

  2. I can't control the way I am perceived. I can only control the way I am presented. Word.

    I'm starting with the underwear.

  3. I've got room for a few outdated pageant dresses if you need to get rid of them...

  4. Before you get rid of those dresses, keep in mind that my birthday party is prom themed this year.

  5. Andy is right - I did have to watch the show after your review. It is basically the same idea as WNTW, but people are nominating themselves and the hosts are actually nicer, if you can believe that. I have been prompted to revamp a lot of stuff over the past year in the attempt not to just walk around as a schleppy mom. But I did end up at Walgreen's in workout pants on Monday after Ryan puked on my cute jeans. :(
