Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tip, Please.

One of my new pet peeves is business establishments that don't accept tips on credit cards. I don't carry cash, and I pay for almost everything with my debit card. But I also like to tip manicurists and bagel preparers if they do a good job, and there are too many places around here that don't allow tips on credit cards. LAME!!! How am I supposed to reward good service if you don't take my plastic!?

no tips on credit - D (a few points because I guess in the long run I save a little money)


  1. You never call me back.

  2. Hmm, well, a restaurant around here had a waitress that was "editing" the tip line of many credit card receipts to pad her pocketbook.
    It sucks, but they're looking out for your general well-being. ;)

  3. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I think they're more likely looking out for their own tax return since tips in cash are easier to not claim...

  4. Anonymous8:01 PM

    No need to tip bagel preparers, coffee pourers, etc. Pretty tough to add personalized service to that task.

  5. By "bagel preparer," I mean "the guy I used to have a class with who calls my bagel 'the Helga' and charges me 25% of what I'm supposed to pay." He hooks me up every time I order and I can never leave him a tip - and that makes me sad.

  6. i went to a bar once, and they couldn't add a tip to my card because it was broke or something, so i asked if i could add the tip before they entered the amount and that worked. so it's kinda like getting cash back, and then you just use that as a tip. get it?

  7. You could get creative and carry around a pocket full of change at all times and spell out best friends with it as a tip...if anyone ever did that for me, I would think that person must be the most thoughtful, special person ever.

  8. I hate that too -- I never (EVER) have cash.

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

