Thursday, March 01, 2007


Seva is Ann Arbor's home of delicious, slightly fancy vegetarian fare. They have all sorts of vegan choices or choices with no wheat, and lots of fresh vegetables and expensive beer. Last night, Nate and I went on a mid-week double date with some of our buddies, and Seva was the choice.
What's most disappointing about Seva to me is that I find it disappointing. Practically everyone in town loves it, and I don't. I've eaten there three times, including last night, and every time I've been there I haven't loved my food choice, while the people I eat with rave about theirs. The first time I ate there, I had some sandwichy-wrap thing, and I remember being unimpressed. The next time I ate there, I had a pasta dish with soy sausage (yep, it was "soysage") and it was kind of gross. Last night, I had the eggs rancheros, and the beans, eggs and tortilla were good but there was just way too much salsa and cheese, and everything turned into this orange soupy mess. I like my huevos rancheros a little drier. My dessert was super yummy, though, so the meal ended on a high note.
But like I said, practically everyone in town loves it, and I'm willing to give it another chance and try something I haven't had yet, like maybe the spinach enchiladas. One more chance, but that's it.

Seva - C


  1. I have eaten there two or three times, and don't like it either.

  2. but it's the healthiest place to get drunk.

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I've probably been there a half a dozen times, and I'm not a fan. It was good enough that if I had cooked it, it would've been okay, but I felt robbed that I had gone out and paid for it.

    Mark won't set foot inside.

  4. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Let me remind you that you come from people who were ranchers...cattle and sheep ranchers. The West wasn't won on a salad.'s what's for dinner.

  5. Anonymous8:45 PM

    The male Okie from Edmond is lying. We had spaghetti squash with (organic) marinara sauce for dinner.

  6. If you only give it one more time,we'll just go to Seva for dessert. Find another good place for us to dine.
