Saturday, March 24, 2007


I made a quick run to the grocery store this morning to pick up quarters for laundry, half and half, and some breakfast meat. While wandering the meat section, I discovered that this weekend is Special Meat Days at my grocery store. Yay for Special Meat Days. It's nice when something you don't buy very often is relatively inexpensive. But I digress. To entice people to buy more meat, my grocery store was getting all gimmicky, with a tiny TV set showing some western movie, and... playing the "Beef-It's What's For Dinner" song on a portable CD player over and over again.

Ah, the "Beef-It's What's For Dinner" song. How it distresses me. It's not actually called "The 'Beef-It's What's For Dinner' Song," and yet millions of people only know it as such.

I'm here to set the record straight. Please, for the love of everything holy, call it Hoe-Down. It's called Hoe-Down. It's the last section of a wonderful ballet by Aaron Copland called Rodeo. And I hate that it's been corrupted by the beef industry. Yes, they've used it well, and I bet lots of beef has been sold and consumed because Hoe-Down is such a great piece of music, but can we go back to Hoe-Down? Please? Classical music fans everywhere with thank you.

Hoe-Down - A
excellent usage by the beef industry - A-
people not knowing what this cornerstone of 20th century American music is actually called - D


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    It must not have worked -that- well. We had canadian bacon with our eggs and toast, not ground chuck.

  2. I thought according to Ashley it was the "pork, it's what's for dinner song"...

  3. I'm not even sure if she knew the "what's for dinner" part - I think her exact words were "Is this the pork song?"

  4. Wow, all I can say is:
    Cool picture!
    And, yes... I could have looked it up, but I didn't actually know the name of the piece of music. I hate to call it a song, bc that just feels wrong.

  5. You learn something new everyday.
