Thursday, January 04, 2007


There are two types of marathons, and they both suck you dry. The first is footrace marathons - 26.2 miles of running. Those crazy ancient Greeks. Why did they foist this ridiculous sport on modern-day man? Running is stupid anyway, but distance running is just crazy. OK, maybe running isn't entirely stupid - fitness is a good thing, and so is having time to yourself to clear your mind and simply focus on the matter at hand. But come on. Twenty-six miles? That takes normal people about four hours. I can think of a lot better things to do with a nice four hour chunk of time.

Which leads me to the other type of marathons: TV show marathons, where a whole season or multiple seasons of one TV show are shown back to back. Now THIS is a good marathon - if you're fat and lazy like me! Yesterday I watched five hours of the America's Next Top Model marathon on VH1. Yes, five straight hours of television. It was like I was glued to my couch. I couldn't move. It was delightful to have the free time to dedicate to something as mind-numbing as an ANTM marathon, but really, there were so many better things I could have done with my time.

marathons, both kinds - C-


  1. If I'm going to do any type of marathon, it's going to be the TV show type. I love when VH1 does their ANTM marathons. It's just an excuse to be lazy all day.

  2. I am with you on the 2nd marathon!
    The 1st - yea, not for Frannie. I wish, wish, wish I enjoyed running - but it has never done a thing for me. Ick!

  3. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I am surprised you didn't include matathon shopping.

  4. "The name "marathon" comes from the legend of Pheidippides... It is said that he ran the entire distance without stopping, but moments after proclaiming his message to the city, he collapsed dead."

    Which is why I won't run a marathon. You're supposed to die, silly people! (Nevermind that Phedippides had supposedly run about 300 miles in the previous four days...

    And, just so you don't think the Greeks really had *anything* to do with it... "The marathon at the 1908 Olympic Games in London began at Windsor Castle and was extended by 385 yards from its set 26 miles so that the runners would cross the finish line in front of the Royal family's viewing box in the Olympic arena, so the length became 42.195 km (26 miles 385 yards)."

    Which is why, at the 26 mile mark, it is customary to yell 'God save the Queen!'

  5. Yeah, baby, I was there watching the ANTM marathons. It was on two days in a row... my TiVo is full of ANTM!!! Love it!!!

    And thanks for the shout out, Senor, running is having a positive effect on my ass. The progress may have been undone by all of the television watching, though.

