Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Golden Globes Recap

My prognostication skills are sadly lacking. Out of a total of 25 awards given out last night at the Golden Globes, I correctly predicted eleven. ELEVEN! That's terrible. The TV shows killed me. The only TV categories I got right were Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy and Best Actress in a Miniseries (thank you America and Helen). Obviously, I fared better with the movies, but I totally blew it with Foreign Laguage Film and Best Drama. Well, I have one week until my Oscar nomination predictions are due, so I better buckle down on my research. There are 24 Oscar categories, and I'll be making predictions for the Big Eight. If the Golden Globes are any indication of how I'll do in my nomination predicitions, I'll get all the acting categories right but will bomb in the screenplay, director, and picture categories.

Fashion update: almost everyone looked great. Whether or not you liked what they wore is a matter of personal taste, but no one was wearing anything completely bizarre are inappropriate. My personal favorite was Reese Witherspoon, who dared to wear a yellow cocktail dress with fabulous red shoes. She looked awesome. Also awesome was Vanessa Williams. Yes, she looked kind of like a crazy woman, but she worked it. Big hair, big fur, big fun. Finally, fan favorite Felicity Huffman looked outstanding. What a gorgeous dress!

But then there's sad little Renee Zellweger. The color of this dress is incredible (and so like Felicity's... hmmm...), but I am so done with Renee's pouty mouth and posing and, worst of all, her squnity eyes. Really, how does she see? I noticed a lot of crows' feet on Renee last night - maybe if she opened her eyes to their normal width once in a while, she wouldn't have so many eye wrinkles.

Golden Globes - B


  1. I wish someone would have splashed red paint on Vanessa and yelled fur is murder. Not because I really care if someone wears fur or not; although I do find it tacky and mean. I do own leather belts, so I can't really judge though. Just wanted to see it because it would have been a perfect Carrie moment with her big hair and blood dripping off her. I don't know, just what I thought when I saw her.

  2. I love Reese .. she just can't do wrong in my eyes.
