Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ow! Damn! Shit!

Yesterday Nate made a delicious rotini/sausage/sauce concoction, and all it was missing was a little grated cheese on the top. Lucky for us, we have a nice block of Parmesan ready to add to the top of our piping hot pasta.

But as I was grating the cheese...

I grated my thumb.

And it hurts so bad. It's kind of like I gave myself a skin graft, only I just took skin off and didn't put any on. Damn you, Microplane grater! Damn you!

cheese, with a little skin mixed in - F


  1. That's so gross. Don't get me wrong, I feel really bad for you, but skin in with the cheese is just gross.

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    You know that you can blame Russ Vegas for that, right?

    Yep, Microplanes are manufactured in Russellville, Arkansas, home of the Wonderboys and our grandmothers.

  3. I like the new background.

    I don't like the mental image of grated thumb.

  4. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I believe we have a clear case of operator error. The microplane grater is a wonderful thing and relatively easy to use. I have found after some puzzlement, however, that it only works in one direction.


  5. Yes, a Microplaner is a dangerous weapon. One quess on what some family members are getting for Christmas. No, not N or A, they already got one as A has demonstrated.
