Sunday, December 03, 2006

Last Sunday

Remember when I said I was super busy? Yeah. Still super busy. It shouldn't have taken me this long to wrote about five days. Thanks for hanging in there.
So, last Sunday, I was at the airport by 4:30 AM. Not my favorite time of day. I sat at the airport waiting to buy breakfast, and when I finally got my breakfast sandwich, it was nasty. Then, on the last leg of my journey, I had to sit right next to the engine. Holy shit, it was so loud, I almost cried. There should be mandatory free earplugs on all seats in that close a proximity to the engine. I was pretty miserable - tired, headachy, sick to my stomach from the tiredness and the noise. By the way, I pretty much hate flying.

everything that happened before 2 PM - D-

I got home, took a delightful nap, and when I woke up, showed Nate all the pictures from Dad and Barbara's wedding. Then he said, Wanna see all the goodies I brought back for you? In the first grocery bag were clothes from various resale shops, courtesy of Nate's mom. In the second box was...
this. This fabulous Coach purse. Wrapped up all pretty in a big brown box and hot pink bow.
Now, I don't know if you know this, but earlier this year, when I told Nate that when we decided to get engaged we would use my grandmother's ring and he had no need to buy me a ring, I told him he should get me an engagement Coach purse. Because I am a purse whore. I desperately wanted a fancy-dancy Coach purse. But when I saw this bag, my first thought was, Nate's so sweet, he knows how much I want a Coach purse and he just bought one for me because he's cool like that. But then it hit me. I asked him "Does this mean we're engaged?"

He said, "Yeah!"

And so, that's the story of how Nate and Amanda got engaged. No candlelight, no roses, just the N&A way of doing things. Good times.

everything that happened after 2 PM - A+

ps. here's a kind of crappy picture of the engagement ring with the engagement purse as a backdrop... I'm so chic


  1. Congrats on your engagement. Great purse and of course a very beautiful ring. I heard about it from Ashlee but I also read your blog. She's looking forward to see the ring.

  2. Hurray! I'm so happy that the first I heard about this wasn't by reading your blog!

  3. Yippee. I am so happy for you and Nate. Mr. Farmer and I got engaged in a similar manner. I think we were sittin' on a swing and he said 'we're gonna get married one day, ya know' and I said 'damn right we are' .. like duh! :)

  4. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Congratulations! We're so happy and excited for you!

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    OMG Congratulations Amanda and Nate!

  6. Anonymous9:13 PM

    oh one more thing, does this mean he did NOT "Take you out to dinner?" ;)

  7. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I love your purse engagement. This will be another story I tell!! ;o)

  8. congratulations!!

  9. YAHOOOOOOO!!! How strange that we were just discussing this the day before... you must have felt it coming or something. I'm so excited for you guys!! Karaoke here we come! ;) I'll even sing...

  10. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Congratulations Amanda, we whish you both all the luck, and of course the same to your dad and Barbara. Big hug from all of us, Bert, Ingrid and the kids.

  11. What else could I say but, YES! Congrats to two of my favorite people>:)

  12. Anonymous6:27 AM

    YEAH!!! Congrats Amanda and Nate!!!

