Monday, November 27, 2006

Last Wednesday

So much happened over last five days, I'm going to break it down for you day by day. Brace yourselves.
Last Wednesday, I flew to OKC for a whole slew of festivities. My first stop was at Kris and Peter's new house. You might remember K & P (and the Donkbra) from my New Year's post. Well, they have a new fabulous house, and since I won't be at their house this New Year's, I had to go over and check it out and have a cocktail. The house was awesome. So was the beer. And so especially was the Donkbra. He had a new sign and everything.
I love Kris and Peter. I hope they come visit me soon.
Kris and Peter - A

After that, I went to my dad's NEW HOUSE! It was... big. Really big. And awesome, don't get me wrong, but really, really big. I could easily fit six or seven of my apartment into his house. This is picture of the entryway - high ceiling, beautiful tiles, gorgeous artwork, pretty banister. How do you spell bannister?
But that's just the entryway. There's also the library, formal living and dining rooms, master bedroom with humongous bathroom and closet, kitchen with eating area, family room, pantry, powder room, laundry room, and a super sexy guest bedroom. And... that's the downstairs. Upstairs is a computer room with bathroom, guest room (my room) with bathroom, and a kick-ass media room with huge screen and amazing sound capabilites. Well, they'll be amazing after Dad fixes the broken speakers.
Dad's new house - B+ (sort of big for just two people, and I did get lost my first night there, but it's totally gorgeous)

After the tour, Dad and Barbara and I went to FlaTire Burgers in Edmond for dinner. I have a problem with the name of this restaurant. FlaTire? Do you mean Flat Tire? Yeah, that's what I thought. My cheeseburger and onion rings were completely delicious, but later that night, I had some real bad dreams, and my tummy hurt all night. I'd wake up from the bad dream and clutch my stomach and moan and writhe around a little bit, then fall back asleep. Contrary to popular belief, I don't eat like that all the time, and I think my little stummy was not happy with me.
FlaTire Burgers - C

There's Wednesday. Stay tuned for Thursday, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Ug, I hate it when you enjoy something soo much and then it comes back to bite you.
    I can't eat french fries. At ALL. Almost as soon as they pass my lips my stomach erupts like the 4th of July!
