Friday, November 03, 2006


You know how, at the Academy Awards, there's always someone who wins who gets up on stage and says "Wow, this is heavy?" Wel, they're right. Oscars are heavy. I know.

I JUST HELD AN OSCAR. A real one, not one of those fakes you can buy on Hollywood Blvd.

Why exactly my theater had an Oscar today, I don't know. But we did. And it was in my office for a few minutes.

And now I can check one more thing off my "must do" list. Because I got to hold a real live Oscar, bitches!

my rendezvous with Oscar - A+


  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Why yes, I am jealous. Guess I'll just have to wait until I win mine . . .

  2. Did you cry and give a speech as you held it? I so would have, and you know I'm not joking either.

  3. I didn't say it out loud, but I definitely thought "I'd like to thank the Academy."

  4. Ab-so-lute-ly Jealous!
