Monday, October 23, 2006

Indigo Girls

I love Indigo Girls. Love love love them. I own many of their albums (I used to own more... why have they vanished? I'm going to need to replace them), and I've seen them in concert three or four times. I even drove to Atlanta one weekend to see them perform with the Atlanta Ballet, which was probably one of the best experiences of my life. And they always put on a good show.

(by the way, I spelled "show" "hose". What's my problem?)

On Friday night, the Girls came to MY THEATER. I have a very important job - basically, I take care of the people who take care of the artists: stagehands, promoter reps, tour managers, security guys, box office girls, and patrons coming to see the show. I'm the first line of defense for live events. And my all time #2 favorite band came to my theater. It was so awesome. Indigo Girls played a hell of a show, as usual, and there were so many happy lesbians with super-short haircuts and denim button-down shirts. I like happy lesbians. And since I gave the tour manager a bucket of popcorn, he gave me a t-shirt.

So awesome.

By the way, I encourage you to check out the Girls' new album Despite Our Differences. It's really good.

Indigo Girls - A
Indigo Girls at my theater - A+


  1. I love the picture of you guys doing the Borden Gang pose under the Kripy Kreme sign on your way to Atlanta.

  2. You have an affinity for happy lesbians. I have a soft spot for happy Jews. How do these things strike our fancy? Who knows.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Sounds like you have a way cool job.

  4. what's your all time favorite band?

  5. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I loved going to see the Indigo Girls with you when they came to the MP, even if everyone in my high school thought we were lesbians...

  6. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Um, hello, REM? Have you EVER talked to Amanda?

  7. actually, Erin, Christa has never talked to me.

  8. sorry shannon, but she's right. i have never even met her. i just saw that scott reads her blog so i read it too. and now that i know it's REM, i'll never forget... ever.
