Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween.

Just so everyone knows, candy pumpkins are not an acceptable lunch. Even though that's what I had for lunch today, you shouldn't just have candy pumpkins for lunch. I don't know if I'd say that they're better than nothing.

But they sure are delicious.

candy pumpkins - tastiness: A, nutritional value: D-

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Psychic Is In

Back in March, I posted this. Beat that, Miss Cleo!

Reese and Ryan have "officially separated," which is kind of sad. I mean, for a girl from a small town in Tennessee with such luscious breasts (was Mama nursing?) to give up such a handsome movie star must have been heart-wrenching. Or wait... could it be that her star was rising and his was falling, and she just didn't need his bullshit anymore, because she's going STRAIGHT TO THE TOP!? Who can say?

Best of luck to you both.

stars going Splitsville - B
getting the newsbreak from my friend in Philly - A

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Prestige

One of the pitfalls of working at a movie theater is, when you have free time to see movies, the last thing you want to do is go back to the theater. Also, it's hard to reconcile myself to paying for movies, when I have free (and really good) ones at my disposal every day. So I have to be really excited about a movie to spend my day off at the theater, and even more excited to actually pay to watch a movie.

Which brings me to The Prestige. I saw a trailer for this movie several weeks ago and thought, Yep, that's one to pay for. I definitely wasn't disappointed.

To tell you much about The Prestige would give everything away, because the whole plot of the movie is secrets. Let's just say that it's a movie about magic, about friends who become rivals and then mortal enemies, and how their lives intertwine. It's a movie with lots of twists - at point, I thought to myself "I totally saw that coming," but the last five - or even three - minutes completely blew me away. I'm still thinking about it. It's definitely a repeat watcher. Not an Oscar contender, but highly entertaining and though-provoking.

As an added bonus, the mulitplex LOWERED THEIR PRICES. Nate and I got in for fifteen bucks. The last time we paid for a movie, it was $18.50. Thanks, Goodrich!

The Prestige - B+

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Yep, He's Gay

I'm sort of let down. Not because TR Knight is gay - I didn't want to do him, and I'm all for celebrity gayness - but by all you fabulous gay bloggers who I read so religiously. How did you let this one slip by? I thought for sure that at least one of you would have made some comment on TR's gayness. Do you not care about TR? Was Isaiah Washington's outburst on the set of Grey's Anatomy of no importance to you?

Furthermore, how did I not know until I read it in Entertainment Weekly? That's crazy. EW is usually a little behind on celebrity gossip, meltdowns, fights, that sort of thing, so for me to hear the news first from them is really surprising. Way to break the story, EW.

TR Knight, being gay - A-
you guys not writing about it - B-
Entertainment Weekly telling me something I didn't already know - A-

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ew! Ew!

I just found out that Katie Lee Joel, host of Top Chef season one, is Billy Joel's WIFE. I really, really thought she was his daughter.


And don't think you can host a food show just because you "grew up in your grandma's Southern kitchen."

Katie Lee Joel - D+

Monday, October 23, 2006

Indigo Girls

I love Indigo Girls. Love love love them. I own many of their albums (I used to own more... why have they vanished? I'm going to need to replace them), and I've seen them in concert three or four times. I even drove to Atlanta one weekend to see them perform with the Atlanta Ballet, which was probably one of the best experiences of my life. And they always put on a good show.

(by the way, I spelled "show" "hose". What's my problem?)

On Friday night, the Girls came to MY THEATER. I have a very important job - basically, I take care of the people who take care of the artists: stagehands, promoter reps, tour managers, security guys, box office girls, and patrons coming to see the show. I'm the first line of defense for live events. And my all time #2 favorite band came to my theater. It was so awesome. Indigo Girls played a hell of a show, as usual, and there were so many happy lesbians with super-short haircuts and denim button-down shirts. I like happy lesbians. And since I gave the tour manager a bucket of popcorn, he gave me a t-shirt.

So awesome.

By the way, I encourage you to check out the Girls' new album Despite Our Differences. It's really good.

Indigo Girls - A
Indigo Girls at my theater - A+

Friday, October 20, 2006

Project Runway Season Finale

Well. After a long season full of ups, downs, crazy hats and tiny dogs, Jeffrey was crowned Project Runway king... and he deserved it. His final collection was stunning. Cohesive, cute, not quite everyday but not as over-the-top as Laura's. And I believe that he made those clothes himself. I thought long and hard about it, and it seems to me like what he said in season finale part 1 is true - it's Bryant Park. It could launch his entire career. Why half-ass it? The designers had two months - TWO MOTNHS! That's not much time at all. So that had to make every day count. I was really surprised when Michael had hardly anything done when Tim came to his house a month before Fashion Week. Good for Jeffrey and his time management skills to get all those buttons sewn on before he got to New York. Now, did he have an advantage? Absolutely - did you see his work space? Little Michael was working on two tiny sewing machines, and Jeff had those big beautiful industrial ones. He probably had twelve or thriteen dress forms and could leave things up as he worked on them - and little Michael only had one, and had to keep taking his pieces off and on. So yes, Jeff had an advantage, but I don't think he had someone else sew his clothes.
To Uli, Laura and Michael - your day will come. Someone's going to buy your clothes. I promise.

I'm so sad for Nazri. Marilinda is cute, and she has a hell of a walk, but Nazri is FIERCE. Shewould have been fierce in that insane Jublilee Jumbles outfit of Angela's. Nazri, you don't need me to be pulling for you, because you're going to be HUGE.

Project Runway - A+

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A History Lesson:

Here are those original seven wonders of the ancient world:

The Great Pyramid of Giza, 2560 BC
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 580 BC?
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, 450 BC
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, 550 BC
The Mausloeum at Halicarnassus, 350 BC
The Colossus of Rhodes (my personal favorite), 282 BC
The Lighthouse of Alexandria, 290 BC

And there you have it.

Check back in July 2007, when I'll tell you the official winners of the New 7 Wonders contest!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New 7 Wonders

Have you heard about this? I love it. There's only one original wonder of the world left, so this German film producer/author/aviator (basically, a guy with a ton of money) set out to pick seven new wonders. I think the only requirement is that it had to be built (or discovered) before 2000. And there's online voting. So I voted.

Here's who I voted for:
Acropolis, Greece
Christ Redeemer, Brazil (pictured above)
Great Wall, China
Kremlin/St. Basil's, Russia
Petra, Jordan
Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Stonehenge, United Kingdom

I think that most of these things have withstood the test of time (particularly the Pyramids - Mama won't leave you out, you original wonder, you) and have come to represent more than just their physical form. That is, six of them have. I voted for Christ Redeemer because it is totally amazing and I am fascinated by it. Of all the 21 finalists, it's the one I most want to see live and in person.

You can vote, too, you know - do it here.

New 7 Wonders - A

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Project Runway

I haven't written about Project Runway recently because, well, I haven't written much at all recently. But in case you were wondering, I'm still just as obsessed with it as I ever was (if only they made a Project Runway Stardoll, I'd never leave my computer). I can't believe that the season finale is this week. Back in July, when Season 3 started, I didn't really care about the designers... but now, I don't know how I'm going to get along without them.

As a side note, just so everyone knows, I don't own any Project Runway paraphernalia, and Christmas is just around the corner!

Anyway, for the first time, PR had a final four, instead of a final three. Which is awesome, because eliminating one of these four designers would have been really, really hard. The first part of the finale, which aired last Wednesday, showed the four designers working on their Fashion Week collections and arriving at Fashion Week to put the finishing touches on their garments. It also showed Jeffery NOT putting finishing touches on his garments. They were all done. Stick a fork in 'em, they're done. D-U-N done. And Laura accused Jeff of outsourcing his work - otherwise, how could he have completely finished impeccable garments, when the other three were still sewing on buttons? But even though there is a potential for scandal in this final episode, I think the editors and producers of PR (who have been robbed of their rightful Best Reality Show Emmys the last two years) just want us to think there's a scandal. My theory is, not only is Jeff allowed to compete in the final challenge, but he wins. Yep, I said it. I predict Jeffery wins the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, Michael is still my #1 man, but Jeff's collection is incredible.

See for yourself - watch Project Runway this Wednesday at 10 PM (Eastern) on Bravo. And whatever you do, please don't call me after 9:45 - I will be gearing up and can't be disturbed.

Project Runway - A

Friday, October 13, 2006

Another Reason Why Ann Arbor Rocks

Spa busted in brothel sting
Police shut Ann Arbor site, saying women offered sex for money
Thursday, October 12, 2006
News Staff Reporter

The business card for Skin Care Philosophie advertises facials, hair removal, light touch massage and hot stone therapy.

The unwritten services, Ann Arbor police allege, include sex acts for money.

The business was shuttered late Tuesday as police arrested the owner and two employees in the latest undercover investigation tied to a potential brothel in the city. Police zeroed in on Skin Care Philosophie, operating out of an older office building behind a Dairy Queen on West Stadium Boulevard, after readers who saw an Ann Arbor News article on another brothel bust at the end of June called to offer tips, said Police Sgt. Brian Jatczak of Ann Arbor's Special Investigations Unit.

"I hope the message is becoming pretty clear that if someone opens up one of these, we're going to investigate and shut it down,'' Jatczak said.

Police believe Skin Care Philosophie opened at its current site in the 2300 block of Shelby Avenue earlier this year, but formerly operated as the Cypress Spa on Jackson Road in Scio Township. Neither business name appears to be registered with Washtenaw County, but Skin Care Philosophie registered with the state as a limited liability corporation in January.

The business owner could not be reached Wednesday.

Jatczak said his unit began investigating the business about six weeks ago and sent an undercover officer in, who was solicited by employees during massages that occurred with the women partially nude. He said the initial fee was $60, and prices discussed for sex acts varied from an average of $40 to $60.

"They appeared to be getting 10-plus customers a day,'' Jatczak said. "But we never saw any women go in there.''

Officers with the Special Investigations Unit, Crime Response Unit and Livingston and Washtenaw Narcotics Enforcement Team searched the business Tuesday evening, collecting financial records, ledgers and other evidence, Jatczak said. Authorities also searched the owner's South Lyon home.

Police arrested the 39-year-old owner and two employees - a 27-year-old Ann Arbor woman and 31-year-old Dexter woman. They were released pending charges that could include prostitution and operating a house of prostitution, police said.

A total of seven employees worked at the business, which was open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Jatczak said.

After the search was over, police padlocked the business.

Ann Arbor police began cracking down on potential brothels in 2001, closing five during simultaneous raids that emerged from a federal investigation. Additional spas were closed in December 2005 and last June.

It doesn't appear police investigated any potential prostitution at the spa when it was located in Scio Township. Washtenaw County Sheriff's Cmdr. Dave Egeler said the business apparently moved to the location in the 5100 block of Jackson Road between 2000 and 2001.

Deputies were called to the business five times from 2001 to 2004, for two burglary alarms, two medical emergencies and once for disorderly subjects, Egeler said. In that case, two men who appeared intoxicated refused to leave, and one was demanding sex, he said. Before deputies responded, an employee called back and said the men left, so no police response was needed, Egeler said.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cast Away

I went upstairs to hang out with friends the other night, and they were watching Cast Away. Remember that movie? Let's talk about it.

Here's what I have to say: I've thought about this for many years (off and on, of course), and I've decided that Tom Hanks totally deserved his Oscar nomination. He basically acted without speaking for 90% of the movie. And when he was speaking, it was to a volleyball. Way to go, Tom.

Now, about that volleyball: yes, it's ridiculous, and yes, the product placement was gross, but anyone who doesn't cry when Wilson floats away and Tom is yelling in the water "I'm sorry, Wilson, I'm sorry" is a heartless jerk. That's not a nice thing to say. I apologize. But it's kind of true. I hadn't seen the movie in about five years, maybe more, and I was only sort of half watching it, but when Tom starts back for the raft, just saying "I'm sorry, Wilson" over and over, and then when they show him sobbing on the raft at night, I got all teary. That's a hell of a scene.

Finally, Alan Silvestri wrote the theme. It's a really good theme. I think it won an Oscar. You should listen to it on iTunes or something.

Cast Away - B+

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Little Caesar's

Since I've become a hoity-toity grownup Ann Arbor-ite, I almost never eat "nasty" pizza. You know the kind: cheap, fast, greasy, and from a national chain. But last night I had a few pieces of Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza. It didn't let me down. It was everything I was expecting it to be, with one glaring exception - there was only one pizza. Whatever happened to pizza pizza? I thought a person was obligated to get two pizzas from Little Caesar's.

Remember when Little Caesar's and Dominos were really good? And pizza delivery was innovative? And the Noid and the Roman were going head-to-head in advertising wars? Those were the good ol' days.

Little Caesar's - B

Thursday, October 05, 2006


I am totally obsessed with Stardoll. Totally obsessed. I found out about it from The Gilded Moose, this new celebrity gossip blog that I've been reading. Basically, Stardoll is Internet celebrity paper dolls. There are hundreds of dolls to choose from, and each doll has clothes choices - so you get to put your doll in whatever kooky get-up you like. I've already made dolls of: Tyra Banks, Kelly Clarkson, Bjork, Cher, Lindsay Lohan, and Fergie. I'm working on my Lil Kim doll right now. She's amazing.

This rendition of Paris Hilton is from The Gilded Moose - for some reason, I can't capture any of the ones I did. Which is too bad, because I really want to share them with you. However, if you're looking for a completely amazing waste of time, then sign up (for free!) here, and you can search for me - I am, of course, naivehelga.

The only problem I have with Stardoll is sometimes, the layering of the clothes doesn't work like I want it to. How can I make an accurate Mary-Kate Olson if the jackets and skirts won't layer?

Stardoll - A

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Swinging Arms

Have you ever noticed the crazy way some people swing their arms when they walk? I know everyone does it, but some people just have a more pronounced swing than others. I saw a guy the other day whose arms crossed all the way in front of his body - both arms going the same direction in front, rather than one arm going forward and one going back. Today, I saw a girl doing the same thing, except somehow she threw herself off and did a sort of arm stutter, and she got all flustered and started over. It was so weird.

I don't get it. My arms just swing the normal way, opposite the leg in front, a little forward. Anyone out there have an abnormal arm swing that they'd like to share?

crazy arms - C

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lost Bloggers

I used to read this blog by a gal named MamaKraft. What I loved about reading her blog was that I didn't know her. It wasn't extra insight into the life of someone I already knew - I was forging a bond with a woman who lived across the country. And I didn't even know her real name.

Now she's gone. Her anonymity was compromised, and she's vanished into cyberlandm, taking her URL with her - without telling me of her whereabouts! Come back, Mama. I miss you.

the strange disappearance of MamaK - F

NaiveHelga vs. Chargenda

Since yesterday was wedding number 44, and Chargenda and I were both there, we thought it would be fun to do a point/counterpoint he said/she said-type thing. Of course, I don't know if he'll actually deliver, so maybe he'll take this as a challenge.

Here are the high points from my perspective: I got to see Char, which doesn't happen very often. That was for sure the highest of the high points (love you, Char!). I got paid to sing, which is always fantastic. Nate and I went out of town - hooray for gooing out of town, whatever the reason. I got to wear my fabulous ribbon dress. And, the bride and groom got married. Now, this may not seem like a "high point," because that is what typically happens at weddings, and there was never any doubt that they would go through with it, but I'm always a little bit nervous that the wedding is going to be cancelled at the last minute. And this one wasn't.

OK, now the low points: this event definitely made the top five list of worst experiences to happen to me as a singer (I'll tell you some of the others sometime if you're lucky). I had to use a mic, which I hate, and the DJ ran the keyboard sound through his system, and the result was a sound that defies description. I sounded fine. The piano sounded horrible. Eventually, the trumpet player pulled the plug on the DJ's equipment, and the pianist and I carried along and sounded significantly better. But for about three minutes, it was really, really painful and horrible and scary and ridiculous. I don't even know if anyone was able to laugh at it. Other low points: Nate and I were definitely at a "B-list" table, and there was a lot of uncomfortable preachiness. Oh, and not a lot of alcohol.

So let's see what Chargenda has to say about it.

my grade - B- (oooh, it's sort of like Glieberman and Schwarzbaum in Entertainment Weekly!)