Monday, September 11, 2006

The Dark Ages

That's where I'm livin'.

My Internet has gone missing. For some reason, Comcast decided to turn it off. I hate them.

I feel like... a barbarian. I have to use the computer at school. Why? Why?

the suckers at Comcast - F


  1. Are you at school this week, or is the strike still on?

  2. Are you at school this week, or is the strike still on?

  3. I thought I was going to pull my hair out waiting four days for our internet to get hooked up.
    I totally hear ya.
    I hope you have internet back at home, soon!!!!

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Was that "the arnold" in the picture?? lol
    Kudos to you for finding another way to post in the meantime. I don't want to miss your wittiness for too long!

  5. For the longest time, I thought Konan, the Barbarian was a family movie. In fact, I use to recommend it to my fiends. I watched it again. Boy, was I wrong. No wonder the kids use to love to come to my house.:)
