Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Call Me Coco

OK, I'm kind of a label whore. Even though I wish I could look good in thrift clothes (but my huge bazongs sort of prevent that), there's something very appealing to me about designer labels. However, what I want and what I can afford are two very different things. So, I look at pictures of expensive things and long for the day when I can drop three hundred bucks on a purse. Or, you know, find something really expensive at only a fraction of the actual cost (c'mon, TJ Maxx).

Well, yesterday, my very expensive ship came in. I was at work, walking to the bank with my manager for added safety (for him, not for me - he was carrying the money) and I made an off-hand comment about how I was test-driving some sunglasses that I found at Interlochen, but they were too slippy and kept sliding down my nose. Well, my manager said, "Oh, there are some Chanel sunglasses in the office from the lost and found - you can try those on when we get back." I said "Seriously? Chanel sunglasses?" and he said, "Well, they might be Coach... some designer that starts with a 'C'." I was kind of freaking out on the inside - free designer sunglasses that some rich Ann Arbor lady wil never come looking for? Sign me up!

Long story short - they are Chanel. And they look fabulous on me. I sort of look like a very fat Mary-Kate Olson. They don't look like that picture at all, but it was the best I could do. So, thanks, job - I owe you one!

sweet new sunglasses - A- (I'm afraid I might have to give them back)


  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    A) So you ARE back.

    B) Do you think your boss would appreciate you letting everyone know that he WALKS the money to the bank? I'm very unemployed right now, you know.

    C) drinks. soon.


  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    A) So you ARE back.

    B) Do you think your boss would appreciate you letting everyone know that he WALKS the money to the bank? I'm very unemployed right now, you know.

    C) drinks. soon.


  3. "anonymous" - I didn't say what bank, now did I?

  4. Way cool!! (and) Groovy!!

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Damn it, why does stuff like that never happen to me?!?

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I love that! I feel you about the having expensive taste but not the money to match it!
