Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What Do You Get When You Combine:

Hot stage lights, tons of excitement and adrenaline, and a metal dress? That's right - you get the winner of Miss Universe! Poor thing. She straight up fainted a few minutes after she won. Well, of course she fainted - she was wearing a metal dress! I sort of feel bad for this Miss Universe. Not only is she going to be known as "that queen who fainted," but she's only 18. This is going to be the biggest thing that ever happens to her. Where can you go but down after you win the world's biggest pageant at 18?

I'm having some serious problems finding pictures, but Tara Conner looked fabulous in her irridescent purple Project Runway dress. I guess she just couldn't compete with metal... but who could, really?

Miss Universe - C+

1 comment:

  1. I didn't watch, but I am sure that Miss USA looked great in her Project Runway dress!
