Saturday, June 03, 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand

Well, my opinion matches the general consensus: this movie isn't awesome. It's not bad, per se. There are some great graphics and cool fight scenes and funny lines, but it's not nearly as good as the first or second X-Men movies. Fanboys are blaming the director, and saying that the three main elements that make up this movie (mutant "cure", Brotherhood vs. X-Men, and the return of Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix) could have all been separate movies. I tend to agree, but I don't have the passion that these comic book fans do. All I know is that the whole thing seemed disjointed. There were characters that were totally unnecessary - Angel, anyone? And how about Porcupine Guy, Arclight, Juggernaut? Completely useless. I think that if the movie had stuck with one or even two of these plots, the characters could have been developed more, and the whole thing would have been much more interesting. As it was, the movie was still highly entertaining, and the fights and graphics were still pretty sweet, but The Last Stand just doesn't stand up (oh! I'm so clever!) to the previous X-Men movies.

For you Grey's Anatomy fans out there, Eric "McSteamy" Dane appears in this movie. That might be reason enough to go see it.

X-Men: The Last Stand - B- (yes, that's the same grade Entertainment Weekly gave it, but seriously, that's what it deserves)


  1. i didnt read all of this cuz I havent seen any of them. I have no desire and for some reason I feel like I'm weird for that all of a sudden. Sorry ya'll. It's called "X-men" what?

  2. x-men sucked. it was like one of those off-brand honey-buns you can buy for 25 cents, and it's shamefacedly edible but you don't shit right for a week and you're suddenly full of indigestion and regret.
    hated it.
    walked out of "da vinci code."
    "poseidon" was disposable crap.
    why do i always pay to see these big, summer shit-storms they call movies? i thought i was made of tougher stuff than this.

  3. The solution to your problems: "Safety Last!" starring Harold Lloyd. Funniest movie I've ever seen!! True, it was made about 90 years ago, and it is a silent picture, but seriously, so freakin' funny! It will remind you that movies can be good, really good, and it doesn't require any special effects... or even talking, for that matter.


  4. I think we're showing Safety Last! as our silent family-friendly film this year.

  5. I gave this movie the same grade as you...

  6. paul, for someone so opinionated, I would expect more blog entries from you...

  7. Oh, Amanda, you HAVE to watch it if it's there!!!

  8. Anonymous10:48 PM

    i don't care . .. i still want to see it!
