Friday, June 16, 2006

Out Loud! Out Loud!

Are the voices in your head ever so loud that you're afraid that other people can hear them?

I don't mean that in a crazy way. What I mean is, sometimes I'm afraid that I'm saying out loud what I'm thinking in my head. People call this "talking to yourself," and it's generally frowned upon. But sometimes, I'm thinking so "loud" that I really think I have just actually said what I'm thinking. This could be dangerous for many reasons. One, people might be offended if they heard what I thought about them, particularly when I see people who are dressed funny. Two, I don't want people thinking I go around talking to myself.

It was really bad at work today. I know I wasn't talking out loud, but I felt like I could have been.

Do I need therapy?

my inner monologue, trying desperately to be heard - D+


  1. Amanda, I talk to myself so much at work that when I actually ask my co-workers something, they ignore me because they don't realize I'm actually talking to someone.

  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Sometimes, Amanda, you have to talk to yourself because no one else understands the situation, and more often than not, no one else gives a s***. Bad days at work do create more opportunities for "self conversations". That being said, help is needed when there is more than one person at a time speaking inside your head. I always ask the group in my head to raise their hands when they want to speak, but you know how they are all wanting to talk at the same time. By the way, they all said, "Hey".

  3. So...what happened at work?

    I have heard it said that talking to one's self is actually a sign of mental health. So, keep talking. Mi u. Thanks for the birthday card. And way to go on the 3 day walk thingy. I've been keeping up.

  4. Work itself wasn't bad; the overwhelming feeling that I was talking out loud when I was really just talking to myself was bad.

    my verification word - porsch - that's almost a car!

  5. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Amanda,I know of a good counselor. Now that you're coming up to the sticks you'll have him as your own personal therapist. Help is on it's way. Or just plain help!!

  6. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself when in reality, it's just that no one's listening. . . I guess that doesn't count though

  7. therapy? NO. I say LETS GET LOUD!....and so does jennifer lopez.

  8. It's amazing how often I hear the words, "You just said that." So rest easy, you could ACTUALLY be saying things but think you're just thinking them, like me... much more dangerous.
